Il y a quelques jours je me suis rendu à l'exposition de Guy Bourdin, l'un des plus grands photographes de mode du XXème siècle. Extrêmement fan du travaille du photographe Français. J'étais comme une gamine à l'idée de découvrir ses oeuvres dont certaines gardées secrètes, en grandeur nature ! C'est la Somerset House à Embankment (Londres) qui lui rend homage jusqu'au 15 mars 2015. Mr Bourdin est célèbre pour ses nombreuses parutions dans Vogue, Harper's Bazaar ou encore ses campagnes pour le chausseur Charles Jourdan. Son style est relativement provocant, mystérieux et coloré tout ce que j'aime !
Few days ago I went to the Somerset House at Embankment to see the amazing exhibition of the talented photographer, Guy Bourdin. Famous French photographer during the 70's. I am so fan and in love with the work of Mister Bourdin, that I was so excited to attend to his exhibition. And it was amazing, I discovered and rediscovered his work because among some famous photos, few ones was unpublished ! Guy Bourdin is famous for his many publications in Vogue, Harper's Bazaar or for the advertising campaigns for the brand Charles Jourdan. Provocative, colorful and mysterious, if you like this universe go ahead and book a ticket until the 15th march 2015.
With Love, Sophia ♡
I went to see this show, and it was absolutely fantastic... As usual with Guy Bourdin, greatness has no limit !
RépondreSupprimerIt was incredible ! I wish I could go back !!!